Lewisville Divorce Attorneys

Texas Divorce Law

One of the most common and emotionally challenging family issues a person can deal with is divorce. The decision to divorce is incredibly difficult, but is often the only choice for a deeply troubled marriage. Unfortunately, even if it is the right choice, it does not mean that the process will be any easier. The Courts treat the divorce process as a business transaction which will run a fine-toothed comb through every aspect of your life in order to determine the most equitable terms of the divorce. If there are children, then what is in their best interests is also a major consideration.

Divorce is a stressful process that can significantly impact your future happiness and financial security and, as such, you must make sure you have an experienced family law attorney to handle your case. Dina Steele, founder of the Lewisville law firm Steele Law, P.C., understands all the nuances of Texas family law and can help you obtain a divorce settlement that is in both yours and your children's interests.

Understanding the Divorce Process

The emotional and psychological challenges you dealt with when making the decision to get a divorce do not end once the decision is made. Depending on the relationship you have with your spouse, the divorce process may cause even more hostility and emotional stress. Trying to get through your divorce alone under such conditions can lead to rash decisions that may end up jeopardizing your future happiness. Dedicated legal representation can provide you with the support system you need to get through the process, starting with filing suit for dissolution of marriage.

Granting Divorce

A petition for dissolution of marriage in Texas may be granted on either a no-fault or at-fault basis. If the petition claims no-fault, then the divorce may be granted by the court as a consequence of "insupportability." In order for the court to grant an at-fault divorce, the filing spouse must prove that his or her spouse was at-fault under conditions allowable by Texas law. A few of these conditions include:

  • Adultery;
  • Abandonment;
  • Cruelty;
  • Conviction of a felony;
  • Living apart/separated (for at least three years); and
  • Confinement in a mental hospital.

The court's decision to grant you a divorce is not the hard part. The hard part is dealing with all the financial and custodial issues that come along with the divorce.

The Business of Divorce

Most of the decisions made concerning the final terms of a divorce have to do with money and property. Even in the case of children, one of the factors a court looks for when deciding what arrangement would be in the best interests of the child is the parent's ability to provide financial support. The failure of a marriage is emotionally trying for the people involved, but, for the courts, it's all about the business of it. Matters that must be resolved during a divorce include:

  • Child Custody - Which parent retains physical custody and/or decision-making power.
  • Child Support - If one parent has primary possession of the children, how much and how often the other parent should provide financial assistance to support their child's health and wellbeing.
  • Visitation - How often the non-custodial parent may spend time with his or her child.
  • Spousal Support - If spousal support is warranted and, if so, how much and how often one spouse must provide financial support to the other.
  • Division of Property - Equitable division of property/assets acquired during the marriage.

Committed to Protecting Your Future

The court decisions made during a divorce have the power to make or break your future, both financially and emotionally. At Steele Law, P.C., experienced Texas divorce attorney Dina Steele is dedicated to providing the effective representation her clients need to obtain a fair and agreeable divorce settlement, or judgment from the Court. To learn more about getting the compassionate and unwavering legal support you need during your divorce, contact us today at (214) 333-4357 for a consultation.

Additional Family Law Services

4400 TX-121
Suite 300#O27S
Lewisville, TX 7505

Phone: 214.333.HELP (4357) • 214-333-9393
Fax: 214-488-8200

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Lewisville Divorce Law Attorney Disclaimer: The legal information presented on this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer or attorney client relationship. Any results portrayed here were dependent on the facts of a particular legal matter and results vary from case to case. Please contact a family law attorney at Steele Law, P.C. for a consultation on your particular case.

Steele Law, P.C., represents people throughout the Metroplex and the DFW, Texas area, including Plano, Dennison, Sherman, Denton, Carrollton, Lewisville and all cities within Dallas County.

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